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  • 138k Topics
    701k Posts

    @ian28 you can update or reset style sheet at running time.

  • Jobs, project showcases, announcements - anything that isn't directly development
    4k Topics
    22k Posts

    this is not a post / discussion
    it is a question - a sentence ends with with ?

    Where is a good place to post request for
    and receive a reply from real human ?

    any AI generated , robotic , canned scrips will be
    (inappropriate , offensive description deleted )....


  • Everything related to designing and design tools

    95 Topics
    300 Posts

    True TableView and TreeView tooling is missing - create a report that you expect it at

  • Everything related to the QA Tools

    46 Topics
    131 Posts

    Hi Squish'ers!

    As a means of improving our offers, services and products, we are conducting a test to gain deeper insights into the decision-making process behind technology adoption by your company/team.
    Our guiding question: What are the key factors when selecting your project's QA tool?

    🔍 Purpose: Our primary objective is to better understand your preferences and priorities in QA tool selection. Your input will inform our development efforts moving forward.

    ⏱️ Time: The questionnaire should take around 10-15 minutes.

    🌟 Impact and Outcome: The insights from this initiative will be used in refining our QA tool and creating a more tailored experience for new users. Your contributions will directly influence and improve our further development.

    Ready to Contribute?
    ⚙️ Take the Squish Questionnaire here

    We sincerely thank you for your participation and look forward to your valuable input.

    Pedro Bessa
    Qt Community Specialist

  • Everything related to learning Qt.

    363 Topics
    2k Posts

    Thanks @Emilia_Qt ! If it's planned to happen this year then in it's all fine.

  • 2k Topics
    12k Posts
    Axel SpoerlA
    // Iterate to the toplevel window QObject *topLevel = this; while (topLevel->parent()) topLevel = topLevel->parent(); // Find QAction children const QList<QAction *> actionList = topLevel->findChildren<QAction *>(Qt::FindChildrenRecursively); // Iterate over actions for (auto *action : actionList) { action->trigger(); // or another slot }

    The funny thing about that code is: Nothing is new. All of it has been told you before.

    Interaction in forums like this is much about reading:

    reading your own code, before you decide to post reading your own posts for typos and wrong statements, before you submit reading replies, to process information reading older posts and replies, to avoid double-posting reading the fantastic manuals (finally I found out, what the F means)

    Interaction in forums like this is also about being humble and kind. If you remain polite and friendly, there's no need to write:

    I am not being rude

    (Pants on fire!)

  • 4k Topics
    17k Posts

    Bitte den eigentlichen Fehler posten

  • This is where all the posts related to the Qt web services go. Including severe sillyness.
    1k Topics
    10k Posts

    Hm, that's an idea. Maybe rename it to "Qt Next", "Future Qt", something like that?